OXO TOT 奶瓶清潔刷套裝可用作清潔奶瓶、奶嘴、吸乳器配件等多種嬰兒餵食器具。柔軟紮實的刷毛既可輕輕地刷洗, 亦可認真地刷洗,徹底清潔。長而靈活的刷柄可深入瓶子或吸管杯中清潔。使用清潔劑清洗細微位置。小刷子可從手柄拆下來用於清潔細微部分。柔軟的手柄不會從濕手滑落。方便的刷座可接住滴水,並有通風孔讓刷具保持乾爽 。可使用洗碗機清洗。不含 BPA 雙酚A /鄰苯二甲酸鹽和 PVC。
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OXO TOT 奶瓶清潔刷套裝
- 定價
- HK$159.00
- 售價
- HK$159.00
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We notice things. We notice pain points and pains-in-the-neck. We notice problems people don’t realize are problems until we solve them. We see opportunities to improve a product or a process, or a part of everyday life, and we make things that make things better.
Our products make everyday life easier, in every room of your home. From cooking and baking to brewing and entertaining to cleaning and organizing, to everyday adventures with little ones. We design tools that fit comfortably in your hand and in your life.
Everything we make is built to last—our products are engineered for functionality and durability—it’s why we guarantee them for life.
OXO TOT 奶瓶清潔刷套裝可用作清潔奶瓶、奶嘴、吸乳器配件等多種嬰兒餵食器具。柔軟紮實的刷毛既可輕輕地刷洗, 亦可認真地刷洗,徹底清潔。長而靈活的刷柄可深入瓶子或吸管杯中清潔。使用清潔劑清洗細微位置。小刷子可從手柄拆下來用於清潔細微部分。柔軟的手柄不會從濕手滑落。方便的刷座可接住滴水,並有通風孔讓刷具保持乾爽 。可使用洗碗機清洗。不含 BPA 雙酚A /鄰苯二甲酸鹽和 PVC。
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