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Important Safety Notice – MamaRoo infant swing

August 16, 2022

Important Safety Notice – MamaRoo infant swing (models 4M-005, 1026, and 1037) and RockaRoo infant rocker (model number 4M-012)


We are writing to you regarding certain models of the 4moms MamaRoo infant swing (models 4M-005, 1026, and 1037) and RockaRoo infant rocker (model number 4M-012). 4moms has decided to offer consumers a free strap fastener to upgrade their product and ensure the product continues to conform to the highest safety standards internationally.


The affected models include those pictured below.


What do you need to do?


  1. To the extent you are in possession of purchase records with the contact information for any consumers who purchased the above MamaRoo or RockaRoo models, we ask that you please contact them, using the letter you can download here.


  1. We recommend all future sales of the MamaRoo and RockaRoo include the strap fastener. If you choose to continue selling any of the above models of MamaRoo or RockaRoo that do not include the strap fastener, please ensure you provide a copy of the enclosed notice (download here) to consumers with any purchase. Please take a record of the consumer’s contact details and send them a free strap fastener, once available.


  1. We have included a copy of a poster or website notice to download here for you to use in stores and online.


No other MamaRoo products are included in this upgrade action.


Your questions answered


We appreciate you may have questions about the actions 4moms are taking. We have sought to answer some of those below:


  • Why has 4moms decided to take this action?


4moms is always looking to improve our products, and to ensure that they are in line with the highest safety standards. 4moms has become aware of an anticipated forthcoming update to the ASTM Standard F2088, a voluntary standard with which the MamaRoo and RockaRoo products comply. This anticipated update will shorten the maximum length for tethered straps under the seat of a baby swing or rocker, and so 4moms is taking this proactive step to ensure products in the hands of consumers comply with the anticipated updated standard.


Although MamaRoo and RockaRoo products comply with all international safety standards including the current version of the ASTM F2088 standard, when the swing or rocker is not in use, the restraint straps can dangle below the seat and there is a risk that a crawling infant could become entangled in the straps, posing a strangulation hazard. The strap fastener upgrade will remove this risk and ensure the products comply with the updated standard.


  • What should consumers who own an affected product do?


Consumers with infants who can crawl should not leave their child unattended with the product and should contact your distributor immediately to register for a free strap fastener.



  • Have there been any safety incidents involving the MamaRoo or RockaRoo?


4moms is not aware of any safety incidents outside the US during the 12 years the products have been sold. However, 4moms has been made aware of two historic incidents in the US in which a non-occupant infant became entangled in the straps of the MamaRoo swing. 4moms is not aware of any incidents involving the RockaRoo rocker.



  • Are you offering refunds to customers who own an affected MamaRoo or RockaRoo?


No. We are offering the strap fastener upgrade free of charge to all customers who own an affected MamaRoo or RockaRoo, which is the quickest and easiest way to ensure that the products enjoyed by our customers continue to meet the highest international standards.


  • Is MamaRoo 5 affected by this issue?


No. MamaRoo 5 uses a five point harness, which does not include the same strap design and so the strap fastener is not necessary. 


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause as we implement this upgrade. We appreciate your cooperation and thank you in advance for working with us to support this project.


If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your Bloom & Grow account manager, or call our Hong Kong office on +852 2815 0585.